Beverly Mae Nisbeth

SXM flora_SIlver buttonwood in Mulletbay older than 45 years (2)

Trees fascinate me. The Silver buttonwood is a tree that has literally stood the test of time. I’m 45 years old and remember that tree from my childhood when we would go swimming at Mullet Bay and play around the golf course and lagoon. Whenever I drive by that tree, I smile.

This is an entry in the 2016 Heritage Photo Contest. View all the entries in the online gallery, learn more and find out how to enter here.

Learn Bird Photography with Free Ebook


Bird photography is the subject of a new free ebook, Bird Shots, produced by the Les Fruits de Mer association. The book is a guide designed to help readers improve their bird photography and get more enjoyment from the hobby.

“Bird photography has its own specific challenges, and getting the best results requires a certain understanding of both birds and photography,” commented author Mark Yokoyama. “As a hobby, it is a fantastic way to develop a deeper connection with nature and appreciation for the craft of photography.”

The book was written for birders interested in improving their photography, photographers interested in capturing birds and even those who are new to both birding and photography. Topics include basic techniques to use in the field, composition and visual storytelling, and how to work with the photos you have taken.

This new ebook arrives just in time to inspire local photographers to capture some bird photos for the 2016 Heritage Photo Contest. The theme of this year’s contest is The Spirit of St. Martin.
The contest is free and open to every age, and everyone is welcome to enter as many times as they like.

All qualifying entries will go on display in the online Heritage Gallery, and selected entries will be featured in the Heritage Photo Exhibition, which will be held this summer. Awards will be given for the winning entries in three categories: Adult, Under 18 and People’s Choice.

The ebook Bird Shots is available for free download. Information about how to enter the 2016 Heritage Photo Contest and this year’s online Heritage Gallery are also found on the site.

Bloeme Doens

2016-02-22 04.57.21 2_resized

De locale bevolking van Sint Maarten is geweldig. Vriendelijk en altijd te zien met een grote glimlach. Kinderen die spelen op het strand. En wat ik het mooie vind is dat dit jongetje bid voor een hoge golf.

This is an entry in the 2016 Heritage Photo Contest. View all the entries in the online gallery, learn more and find out how to enter here.

Bloeme Doens

2016-02-22 04.57.16 1_resized

De locale bevolking van Sint Maarten is geweldig. Vriendelijk en altijd te zien met een grote glimlach. Kinderen die spelen op het strand. En wat ik het mooie vind is dat dit jongetje bid voor een hoge golf.

This is an entry in the 2016 Heritage Photo Contest. View all the entries in the online gallery, learn more and find out how to enter here.

Heritage Photo Contest Q&A

We had a couple good questions about the photo contest that we figured we should share. Be sure to get your entries in. See the full rules and instructions here.

Must the photo be untouched, unedited?

No, you can edit your photos however you normally do. We would recommend not including your name or any text superimposed on your image. It always makes a photo look worse and we will always include proper credit when showcasing your photo in the online gallery or at the exhibition.

Must the photo have a specific format or size (MB’s/dimensions)?

We don’t require a specific format, but we recommend full size or a minimum of about 2000 pixels per side. Remember, photos chosen for the exhibition will be printed. If an image is too big to email, provide a download link or contact us to arrange the file transfer.

Can a photo be a panorama?

Yes, an entry can be a panorama.

Can I only enter photos taken during the entry period?

No, the photos can be taken at any time. In the past, some entries were taken decades ago. It just has to be a photo taken by you.

We’re looking forward to seeing your entries! Be creative and let’s see the spirit of St. Martin!


Mark Yokoyama


The Bearded Anole—a lizard that lives nowhere else on earth—always reminds me exactly where I am. The islands of the Caribbean share so many things, but each is unique, right down to the lizards. More than any other, this animal embodies the unique spirit of St. Martin.

(Sample entry, not in competition.)

2016 Heritage Photo Contest and Exhibition

(Pour la traduction française, cliquez ici.)


The Spirit of St. Martin

The Heritage Photo Contest and Exhibition is an opportunity to showcase St. Martin/St. Maarten’s unique natural, cultural and historic heritage. The theme of this year’s contest and exhibition is The Spirit of St. Martin. We invite photographers to share photos that showcase something that captures the unique spirit of St. Martin and its people, nature, culture or history!

Entries for this year’s theme will include a photo and a statement by the photographer explaining how the photo represents the spirit of St. Martin. Entries must be submitted from May 1st to June 15th, 2016, although they can be taken at any time. The photos and statement must be the work of the entrant. Qualifying entries will be displayed online in the Heritage Gallery, and an exhibition will be held in summer 2016 featuring selected entries. There will be awards for the winning entries in three categories: Adult, Under 18 and People’s Choice. Prizes will be announced during the entry period.

This contest and exhibition initiative is created and managed by the Les Fruits de Mer Association.

How to Enter
Submit a photo and your brief statement about your submission in any language to [email protected] between May 1st and June 15th, 2016. Please submit your images with the largest resolution available so the photos may be printed for the exhibition. If you are under 18, please include your age with your submission. Please consult the contest and exhibition rules before submitting. If you have questions, please contact [email protected].

Heritage Photo Contest and Exhibition Rules
1. To qualify, an entry must include a photo and a brief statement by the photographer.
2. The entry period is 12:00am EST May 1, 2016–11:59pm EST June 15th, 2016.
3. Anyone can submit entries. Anyone directly involved in judging or managing the contest can submit entries for exhibition only.
4. Entries must be submitted by email to [email protected].
5. Photos must be taken by the entrant.
6. Photos must be of St. Martin/St. Maarten.
7. Photos can be taken at any time prior to or during the entry period.
8. The photographer’s statement may be submitted in any language. For the exhibition, we will do our best to provide translations of photographers’ statements in at least English and French.
9. Individuals can submit multiple entries.
10. The interpretation of The Spirit of St. Martin is left to the entrants, but entries that disparage specific individuals or groups of people will not be accepted. Contest/exhibition managers reserve the right to refuse entries that are inappropriate, incomplete or unrelated to the theme.
11. By entering the contest, the entrant permits the use of the photos, photographer’s statement and name of the entrant on the Les Fruits de Mer website, the Les Fruits de Mer Facebook page, the printing and display of the photos, photographer’s statement, and entrant name at the exhibition, and the use of the photos, photographer’s statement, and entrant name in media releases and video publicity for the event, as well as in documentary filming.
12. As many entries as possible will be included in the exhibition based on the final budget and space. Inclusion in the exhibition is not guaranteed.
13. If necessary, rules may be altered or amended. Prior entrants will be notified of any changes and allowed to withdraw if they choose.

About Les Fruits de Mer
Les Fruits de Mer is a non-profit association based in St. Martin whose core mission is to raise awareness about nature, culture, and sport. The organization carries out this mission through publications, an education program, and special public outreach events that entertain, inspire, and inform. The association is currently accepting new member applications on its website,

2016 Concours et Exposition Photos du Patrimoine – L’Esprit de St. Martin

Le 2016 Concours et Exposition Photos du Patrimoine est une opportunité de mettre en avant le patrimoine naturel, culturel et historique unique de St. Martin/St. Maarten. Cette année le thème du concours et de l’exposition est «L’Esprit de St. Martin». Nous invitons les photographes de partager des photos qui mettent en valeur quelque chose qui capte l’esprit unique de St. Martin/St. Maarten et de son peuple, sa nature, sa culture ou son histoire!

Les participations pour le thème de cette année comprennent une photo et une déclaration du photographe expliquant la façon dont la photo représente l’esprit de St. Martin. Les photos peuvent être envoyées du 1er Mai au 15 Juin 2016 mais peuvent avoir été prises à tout moment sur l’ile. Les photos et le paragraphe explicatif les accompagnant doivent avoir été prises et rédigé par le participant. Toutes les photos envoyées et qualifiées seront présentées en ligne sur Heritage Gallery (la galerie du patrimoine), et des photos sélectionnées seront exposées en été 2016 lors de l’Exposition. Des prix seront attribués selon 3 catégories: Adultes, Participant de moins de 18 ans et Sélection du public.

Le 2016 Concours et Exposition Photos du Patrimoine est un évènement initié et organisé par l’Association Les Fruits de Mer.

Comment Participer
Soumettez votre photo et votre brève déclaration au sujet de votre soumission dans aucune langue, à [email protected] du 1 Mai au 15 Juin 2016. Envoyez des images avec la plus grande résolution possible, les photos pourront ainsi être imprimées pour l’exposition. Si vous avez moins de 18 ans, précisez votre âge et date de naissance en envoyant vos photos. S’il vous plait consulter le règlement du concours avant de soumettre votre participation.
Des questions? Ecrivez à [email protected]

Règles du 2016 Concours et Exposition Photos du Patrimoine
1. Pour être qualifiée, une candidature doit comprendre une photo et une brève explication du choix du photographe.
2. Le concours est ouvert du 1er Mai 2016 12h00 au 15 Juin 2016 23h59.
3. Tous le monde peut participer. Les personnes impliquées dans la sélection des photos ou la direction du concours peuvent envoyer des participations pour l’exposition uniquement.
4. Les candidatures doivent être envoyées par email à [email protected].
5. Les photos doivent être prises par le participant.
6. Les photos doivent être prises à St. Martin/St. Maarten.
7. Les photos peuvent être prises avant ou pendant la période du concours.
8. L’explication du photographe peut être envoyée dans toutes les langues. Pour l’exposition, nous essaierons de fournir le descriptif en Anglais et Français.
9. Un participant peut concourir plusieurs fois.
10. L’interprétation du thème «L’Esprit de St. Martin» est laissée libre au photographe, mais les participations qui dénigrent les personnes spécifiques ou groupes de personnes ne seront pas retenues. Les organisateurs du concours et de l’exposition se réservent le droit de refuser les participations de photos inappropriées, incomplètes ou hors-sujet.
11. En participant, le photographe accepte que son nom, ses photos et ses explications soient publiés sur le site internet Les Fruits de Mer, le page Facebook Les Fruits de Mer, soient imprimés et utilisés pour l’exposition ainsi que dans des articles de journaux et media présentant la manifestation et la publicité vidéo pour l’événement, ainsi que dans le film documentaire.
12. En fonction du financement et de l’espace disponible, le maximum de photos sera présenté lors de l’exposition. Votre candidature ne garantie pas la présentation de vos photos pendant l’exposition.
13. S’il est nécessaire, le règlement du concours peut être modifié ou amendé. Précédents entrants seront avisés de tout changement et autorisés à retirer s’ils le souhaitent.

A propos de l’Association Les Fruits de Mer
Les Fruits de Mer est une association à but non lucratif basée à Saint-Martin, dont l’objet principal est la sensibilisation à la nature, la culture et le sport. L’Association œuvre à travers des publications, un programme pédagogique et l’organisation d’évènements publics spéciaux qui divertissent, inspirent et informent. L’association actuellement accueille de nouveaux membres actifs et membres bienfaiteurs; le formulaire d’inscription est disponible sur son site Web:

Iguana Day Video

We did a short video of the Anguilla Iguana Day festivities, including a walk around Cove Pond where we saw some invasive Green Iguanas as well a lot of native wetland wildlife, including Black-necked Stilts and their nests. In the afternoon, there were games and art activities. Check it out:

Anguilla Iguana Day

On Saturday, Les Fruits de Mer had the chance to engage in some inter-island wildlife education cross-pollination at the first annual Anguilla Iguana Day, hosted by the Anguilla National Trust. Including a wetland walk to see some invasive Green Iguanas and an afternoon full of games and crafts, it was a wonderful chance to learn about Anguilla’s native Lesser Antillean Iguana and its invasive cousin the Green Iguana. Here are a few photos taken by Jenn Yerkes.

Endemic Animal Festival Highlights Local Nature at the Zoo

The Festival’s Bird Observation Station highlighted the importance of the Great Salt Pond. (Photo by Maël Renault)
The Festival’s Bird Observation Station highlighted the importance of the Great Salt Pond. (Photo by Maël Renault)

Local wildlife took over the St. Maarten Zoo this past Sunday morning, and over 400 people came out to see and learn about it. The occasion was the third Endemic Animal Festival, an annual wildlife discovery event created by the Les Fruits de Mer association to celebrate the unique animals that are found only on our island or only in our region.

“We were delighted with the turnout, and the positive response we got from the attendees!” said Les Fruits de Mer President Jenn Yerkes. “This event is especially important to us because it’s all about the wildlife that make this island special and unique.”

The Festival’s Endemic Animal Discovery Station showcased live reptiles, insects and crustaceans that are only found on St. Martin or only in the Caribbean, with panels explaining the origins and importance of these special species. Wildlife experts were on hand to share fun facts and answer questions. At the station, guests picked up a checklist of over 20 local species that can be seen in the wild on the zoo grounds and headed on a self-guided wildlife walk: a series of ten permanent signs created and installed in March tells the story of St. Martin’s native wildlife, with a focus on species that live at the zoo naturally.

The Endemic Animal Discovery Station featured ten species unique to our region. (Photo by Agnès Etchegoyen)
The Endemic Animal Discovery Station featured ten species unique to our region. (Photo by Agnès Etchegoyen)

At the art activity station, kids—and the young at heart—made colorful crowns featuring endemic wildlife. 200 Endemic Animal Activity Books were also distributed at the event. Both the crown designs and the activity books are available for free download on the Les Fruits de Mer website so they can be used by teachers and parents. Eco-friendly canvas grocery totes were given away as well.

A Bird Observation Station was set up on the Great Salt Pond where guests learned to use special scopes and binoculars to spot Laughing Gulls, Magnificent Frigatebirds, an Osprey and many other species that depend on pond and wetland habitats. The station was hosted by professional birding guide and Nature Foundation board member Binkie van Es. The Great Salt Pond is internationally designated as an Important Bird Area (IBA).

Event attendees also enjoyed visiting the zoo itself, which has been transformed by recent renovations. In addition to the new native animal signage, plantings are underway to develop the zoo grounds as a botanic garden. Other renovations include bright new picnic tables and shade gazebos, a relaunched petting zoo, and an all-new Monkey Bar which will officially reopen on May 1st.

Kids and adults got into the carnival spirit, creating colorful endemic animal crowns. (Photo by Agnès Etchegoyen)
Kids and adults got into the carnival spirit, creating colorful endemic animal crowns. (Photo by Agnès Etchegoyen)

The Festival, including admission to the Zoo, was totally free. The event was staffed entirely by volunteers and funded by the generous support of the 2016 sponsors: Buccaneer Beach Bar, Calmos Cafe, Delta Petroleum, Hotel L’Esplanade, Lagoonies Bar & Bistro, Loterie Farm and Tri-Sport. Photos from the event, the Festival’s free companion eBook Eye on Endemics: Caribbean Originals, and free downloads of the activity books and crown craft can be found at

Sunday’s Endemic Animal Festival Offers Free Admission to Zoo

The St. Maarten Zoo now features ten panels about native wildlife designed by Les Fruits de Mer.
The St. Maarten Zoo now features ten panels about native wildlife designed by Les Fruits de Mer.
Island residents and visitors are invited to get in touch with the wild side of “Only on St. Martin” this Sunday at the third annual Endemic Animal Festival. The free wildlife discovery event, created by the Les Fruits de Mer association, celebrates the animals that are found only on this island or only in this region. The 2016 Festival will be held from 9am to noon on April 24th at the St. Maarten Zoo in Madame Estate.

The event offers a full array of fun designed for kids, families, and people of all ages, including an endemic wildlife walk with a native animal checklist, free native animal activity books, and a variety of wildlife-themed art activities.

Fun native animal activity books will be given away free at Sunday's Endemic Animal Festival.
Fun native animal activity books will be given away free at Sunday’s Endemic Animal Festival.

Festival-goers can get an up-close look at St. Martin’s native wildlife at the Endemic Animal Discovery Station, where experts will be on hand to talk about the live endemic animals on display and answer questions. A Bird Observation Station staffed by a professional birding guide will be set up on the Great Salt Pond next to the Zoo, where attendees can learn to use a variety of birdwatching scopes and binoculars to spot native birds and other wetland wildlife. At the Art Station’s craft workshop, children will enjoy creating their own endemic animal crowns to become kings and queens of the Festival.

Admission to the zoo will be free for all ages during the event, and guests are invited to see what’s new, including a ten-panel installation of signage telling the story of St. Martin’s native animals. “The story of our native animals, particularly those that can only be seen on St. Martin, is one the most fascinating things we can share about our natural heritage,” explains Les Fruits de Mer co-founder Mark Yokoyama. “It encompasses some of the most important concepts in biology, but it is also very specific to this one tiny island where people and nature are living together.”

While this year’s festival is the third Endemic Animal Festival on St. Martin, it is the first to be held at the St. Maarten Zoo. With new native animal signage and a variety of new native plants and trees, the zoo is developing its potential as a botanical garden and a space to observe native animals. This Sunday will also feature the launch of the completely renovated petting zoo, and a sneak preview of the new Monkey Bar, which will offer a special mini-menu of savory panini, barbecue, salads, snacks, and drinks at the Festival.

“Don’t forget to bring your camera,” reminds Les Fruits de Mer President Jenn Yerkes. “In addition to all the free, fun Festival activities, we’ll also be announcing the theme for this year’s Heritage Photo Contest. You can even start working on your entries at the event!”

Our local Ground Lizard, a subspecies found only on St. Martin, is showcased in the St. Maarten Zoo’s native animal signage.
Our local Ground Lizard, a subspecies found only on St. Martin, is showcased in the St. Maarten Zoo’s native animal signage.

The third annual Endemic Animal Festival takes place from 9am-noon on Sunday, April 24th at the St. Maarten Zoo on Arch Road in Madame Estate. The event is open to the public and completely free, thanks to the generous support of the 2016 sponsors: Buccaneer Beach Bar, Calmos Cafe, Delta Petroleum, Hotel L’Esplanade, Lagoonies Bistro and Bar, Loterie Farm and Tri-Sport. For more information, visit: or find Les Fruits de Mer on Facebook.

Thank You EAF 2016 Sponsors!!!

One of the most important aspects of our wildlife discovery events is the fact that they are always 100% free. We believe the wonders of the island’s natural heritage belong to everyone, and we love being able to share them. At each event, our generous sponsors are the ones who make this possible, providing all the funding for our events so we can make them totally free. This year, we have seven fantastic sponsors, many of which have been supporting Les Fruits de Mer for years. Thank you!!!

buccaneerBuccaneer Beach Bar
Conveniently located on Kim Sha Beach, Buccaneer Beach Bar is a friendly watering hole for locals and visitors alike. Relax in the glow of the fireballs on Friday and Sunday evenings, or bring the whole family on Fridays for kids movies on the beach.

calmos-cafe-smallCalmos Cafe
Located on the beach in Grand Case, St. Martin, Calmos Cafe is a restaurant and bar serving great food in a friendly, casual atmosphere seven days a week. Calmos Cafe has been a benefactor member of Les Fruits de Mer since 2013 and has sponsored many Les Fruits de Mer events.

delta-LOGO-smallDelta Petroleum
Founded in 1985, Delta serves the Caribbean with superior performance diesel, gasoline and LPG meeting U.S. and European standards. Delta is a proud and growing member of the communities from the Virgin Islands to Martinique. Delta Petroleum was a sponsor of Birds & Bugs 2013.

Esplanade-logo-squareHotel L’Esplanade
This hotel has established a cult following from guests that enjoy an authentic, luxurious, unpretentious and un-touristy Caribbean experience with a homey feel. Acknowledged by TripAdvisor as one of the Caribbean’s “Best Hidden Gems”, and more recently named #19 of the top 25 hotels in all of the Caribbean. Hotel L’Esplanade has been a benefactor member since 2013 and has sponsored many Les Fruits de Mer events.

LagooniesLagoonies Bistro and Bar
Lagoonies Bistro and Bar serves food that is crazy good for breakfast, lunch and dinner and hosts some of the hottest live music on the island several nights a week. Located at Lagoon Marina in Cole Bay, they are easily accessible by land or sea.
Lagoonies Bistro and Bar

Loterie Farm
Loterie Farm is a private nature reserve on the western slope of Pic Paradis. The 54-hectare property includes broadleaf forest as well as the remains of historical buildings dating back to the 18th century. Loterie Farm aims to safeguard both the history and the environment while also sharing these unique natural surroundings with the public. One of the most ecologically significant sites on St. Martin, Loterie Farm has hosted a great deal of biological research, including ongoing studies of birds and other animals. Loterie Farm offers hiking and zip-lining as well as a gourmet restaurant, lounge, and spring-fed swimming pool.

Tri-Sport is the go-to shop for the active community of St. Maarten/St. Martin and the neighboring islands of Anguilla, Saba, Statia, and St. Barths. They run ecologically-friendly tours that get people out and moving – kayaking, bicycling, hiking, boogie boarding, and snorkeling. Tri-Sport’s retail shops carry all the necessities for triathlons with an emphasis on bicycles.

Eye on Endemics: Caribbean Originals


In preparation for the upcoming 2016 Endemic Animal Festival, Les Fruits de Mer has released a free eBook—Eye on Endemics: Caribbean Originals— featuring full-color photos and fascinating info about some of the captivating lizards, birds, and insects found only on this island or only in our region. The book is available for free download on the association’s website, The Festival itself will take place on Sunday, April 24th from 9am to noon at the St. Maarten Zoo in Madame Estate.

The free eBook is a companion piece to the association’s third annual Endemic Animal Festival, and was designed to be downloaded not just onto computers and laptops, but also onto smartphones and tablets to identify endemic species on the go, explains Les Fruits de Mer President Jenn Yerkes. “The Festival is a chance to get up close with the animals that are unique to our island and area, while the eBook gives people a more in-depth look at some specific endemics, including local names. You can use it as a mobile tool–it even tells you where to look for the different species we spotlighted!”

Many of these species will be featured at this year’s Endemic Animal Festival, which will include an Endemic Animal Discovery Station, native animal activity books, guided wildlife walks, and art activities related to endemic animals. This year the Festival will be held at the St. Maarten Zoo to showcase the new series of native animal panels created by Les Fruits de Mer, funded by SXM DOET and Be the Change SXM, and installed by a team of volunteers from Les Fruits de Mer, SXM DOET and St. Maarten Zoo.

“The 2016 Festival is the perfect way to officially launch this project to weave the story of St. Martin’s natural heritage into the landscape of the zoo,” says Les Fruits de Mer co-founder Mark Yokoyama, “We’d like to invite everyone to come out to enjoy the zoo, see the new panels, and have a great time at the Festival!”

The April 24th Festival is free and open to the public, and is made possible by the generosity of event sponsors Buccaneer Beach Bar, Calmos Cafe, Delta Petroleum, Hotel L’Esplanade, Lagoonies Bistro and Bar, Loterie Farm and Tri-Sport. For more information about the event, or to download the free Eye on Endemics: Caribbean Originals eBook, visit or find Les Fruits de Mer on Facebook.