Sample Entry



The snowy egret always reminds me of the vibrance of this island and the perseverance of wildlife. These birds were hunted for their feathers, and were almost gone through much of their native range. This overhunting may explain why the first official record of these birds on the island was not made until 1952. Today, they are common on St. Martin and nest on many of our ponds.

The ponds themselves are vulnerable, of course, and they are often polluted and full of trash. These ponds are incredibly important to a variety of wildlife, which still survives despite the conditions. The ponds of St. Martin are both a natural treasure (and considered Wetlands of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention) and an important part of our history (salt production). We should act together to clean them up, and reclaim this part of the island’s natural and historical heritage.

Photographer: Mark Yokoyama

Educational Materials from the Endemic Animal Festival 2014

If you missed the Endemic Animal Festival this year, or are interested in learning more about our locally and regionally endemic animals, you can download materials from this year’s event.

Basics about our endemics (PDF)
This document explains some basics about our endemic animals, including: What does endemic mean? Why do we have endemic animals? Why are endemic animals important? and more.

Endemic animal species posters (PDF)
This document includes pages focused on individual species that are endemic to St. Martin or our region on the species or subspecies level. 33 species are featured, including many familiar animals that are seen on the island.

Ten Reasons Why Caribbean Birds Matter – by BirdsCaribbean
An article featuring ten important jobs that birds do for man and nature in the Caribbean.

Bird Watch articles from The Daily Herald about endemic birds and the roles that birds play on the island:




Endemic Animal Festival 2014: Our Sponsors

The Endemic Animal Festival 2014 was made possible with the help our generous sponsors and their commitment to promoting wildlife education on St. Martin/St. Maarten. Thank you!


Aquatec Shop
Aquatec Shop has built a reputation for providing quality products, service, and repair for swimming pools and jacuzzis over 17 years in business on St. Martin. Known for the high caliber of their after-sale service and advice as well as their hardware and commercial materials, they are dedicated to catering to all the island’s spa and swimming pool needs.

Présente à Saint martin depuis 17 ans, Aquatec Shop doit sa réputation à la qualité des produits, le service et la réparation fournis pour des piscines et jacuzzis. Connu pour le haut niveau de leur service et leur conseil après-vente ainsi que leurs matériaux commercialisés, ils sont dédiés à servir tous les besoins de spa et piscine de l’île.


Caribbean Paddling
Located in Cul-de-Sac, Caribbean Paddling is an outdoor company founded in 2009. It offers kayak and paddle board rentals and tours to Pinel Island as well as kayak and paddle board rental and delivery. They are a partner with the Réserve Naturelle de Saint-Martin and a partner for SnorkelFest 2014.


Delta Petroleum
Founded in 1985, Delta serves the Caribbean with superior performance diesel, gasoline and LPG meeting U.S. and European standards. Delta is a proud and growing member of the communities from the Virgin Islands to Martinique. Delta Petroleum is a corporate member of Les Fruits de Mer was a sponsor of Birds & Bugs 2013 and SnorkelFest 2014.


Hotel L’Esplanade
This hotel has established a cult following from guests that enjoy an authentic, luxurious, unpretentious and un-touristy Caribbean experience with a homey feel. Acknowledged by TripAdvisor as one of the Caribbean’s “Best Hidden Gems”, and more recently named #19 of the top 25 hotels in all of the Caribbean. Hotel L’Esplanade has been a benefactor member since 2013 and was a sponsor of the Migratory Bird Festival 2013 and Birds & Bugs 2013.


Healthy Iguana
The new veterinary office that provides your pets, including exotic pets, primary veterinarian needs, while also providing consultancy services to the public in general. Contact Dr. Jovan Halley at 524-2355 or [email protected].


Island Water World
Island Water World is a chain of marine stores serving Caribbean sailors and water sports enthusiasts for over forty years. Island Water World is also a corporate member of Les Fruits de Mer and a sponsor of SnorkelFest 2014.

Island Water World est une chaine de magasins proposant du matériel pour la pratique des activités nautiques en Caraïbe depuis plus de 40 ans. Island Water World est membre de l’association Les Fruits de Mer.


TelEm Group
The Sint Maarten Telecommunications Group of Companies serves as an important pillar to the St. Maarten economy, providing a vital global link to one of the most cosmopolitan islands in the Caribbean. Services provided by the Telem Group of Companies include a full range of Fixed, Mobile, International telephony services, Local and International data services.


Aqua Mania Adventures
Aqua Mania Adventures is a one-stop vacation shop that offers departures to all destinations for day trips, all the toys for water sports and a professional and well established dive center. Strategically located at the Simpson Bay Resort marina, it has over 20 years experience in the customer service industry and friendly and reliable staff. These are the people to help you plan an unforgettable vacation.

In-kind Sponsors


International Liquor and Tobacco Trading
ILTT is the largest Beer, Wine and Liquor wholesaler on St Maarten carrying more than 1,000 brands. We are a family owned business founded by Mr. Hippolyte Lédée in 1963, and an in-kind sponsor of the Endemic Animal Festival.

Beverages provided for the event include products from:

Fiji-Water-web Steaz-webVita-coco-web


The Scuba Shop
Founded in 1993, The Scuba Shop has two locations: Captain Oliver’s Marina in Oyster Pond and their Simpson Bay store. They are the largest dive store in the Windward and Leeward islands and an in-kind sponsor of the Endemic Animal Festival.

Endemic Animal Festival Preview Event

On Saturday, Les Fruits de Mer members and Endemic Animal Festival volunteers converged on Seaside Nature Park for a preview-event for the upcoming Endemic Animal Festival. Our preview events are a mix of fun and planning. After an introduction to endemic animals and why we have them on St. Martin, we planned some of the activities and exhibits and did a test walk through the park, seeing many of our local endemics. Photos below by Binkie Van Es, Jenn Yerkes and Mark Yokoyama. See you on the 27th!

Endemic Animal Festival: In the Press

Learn more about the Endemic Animal Festival on St. Martin/St. Maarten!

Who pays the birds? – St. Maarten News Network

Les Fruits de Mer Announce Endemic Animal Festival On April 27th – SXM Island Time

Ne manquez pas le festival des animaux endémiques de Saint-Martin –

1er Festival des Animaux Endémiques de l’île de Saint-Martin le 27 Avril –

Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival asks: “who pays the birds?” – SXM Island Time

First St. Martin Endemic Animal Festival Proves Wildly Popular –


First Endemic Animal Festival Proves Wildly Popular – St. Martin News Network

First Endemic Animal Festival Proves Wildly Popular – SXM Island Time

First St. Martin Endemic Animal Festival Proves Wildly Popular – Vibes Antigua

First St. Martin Endemic Animal Festival Proves Wildly Popular – Anguilla News

First St. Martin Endemic Animal Festival Proves Wildly Popular – Vibes BVI

Très beau succès populaire du premier festival des animaux endémiques –

The Daily Herald, May 2014

Le Pélican, May 2014

SXM FaxInfo, May 2014

St. Martin’s Week, May 2014


The Daily Herald, Out and About, April 2014

The Daily Herald, April 2014

St. Martin’s Week, April 2014 (The photo captions are mixed-up, the photos are the bearded anole and Lesser Antillean bullfinch.)



Happy Bay Nature Walk

We had a nature walk at Happy Bay this morning for Les Fruits de Mer members. It was a beautiful day and we had a great turnout. Although it is the dry season, there were still many things to see, from the egrets nesting at the Cemetery Pond to some of our regional endemic birds like the Zenaida Dove, Black-faced Grassquit and Green-throated Carib hummingbird. One highlight was seeing a tiny parasitic wasp laying eggs in aphids!

Thanks to all the members for being patient as we have done more public events than events for just members. Where should we go next? I think a night walk at Loterie Farm might be a great chance to see some interesting nocturnal animals.

Lizards at Mardi de Grand Case

Thanks to everyone who came by the Les Fruits de Mer booth at Mardi de Grand Case on Tuesday to learn about local lizards! We were going pretty much non-stop all evening with our short presentation about the lizards of St. Martin, and many people learned about how our local lizards are unique and the role they play in our ecosystem.

Get a Little Wild – with Local Lizards!


Rev up your reptile IQ at the Les Fruits de Mer booth at Mardis de Grand Case this Tuesday!

This week’s wildlife theme is local lizards. Come by our booth for fast facts and insider info on these captivating creatures, like which lizards live only on this island and nowhere else in the world, what lizards have been introduced here by humans, and why are there so many iguanas here now!

Stop by the booth for a couple minutes every week to learn something new about island wildlife–we feature a different topic about the fascinating fauna of SXM each Tuesday. You’ll get to see mini multimedia Discovery Presentations about the week’s wildlife topic, “Ask the Expert” questions about local wildlife, and you can even have “mystery” species you’ve been wondering about identified from photos.

The Les Fruits de Mer booth is open every Tuesday evening from 6-10pm at the Mardis de Grand Case street fair in Grand Case, and it’s located by the lolos.

Read about our weekly booth at Mardis de Grand Case.


Mardis de Grand Case

Les Fruits de Mer have had a great time at our Tuesday evening booth each week at the Mardis de Grand Case. We’ve had the chance to interact with lots of folks – young and old, residents and visitors. Each week we’ve been focused on a different topic related to St. Martin wildlife, like insects, birds, sea turtles and marine mammals. Check out some of the photos from the last few weeks and be sure to visit us one Tuesday!

SnorkelFest 2014: Meet the Team

Putting on SnorkelFest 2014 is a lot of work, but luckily we have an excellent team of volunteers. Here is some more information about them.

Maite Asensio
Maite is a marine biologist with Marine Sciences degree and Master’s of Oceanography from University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. She is also an award-winning underwater photographer. Her experience includes scientific diving, humpback whale photo identification and sea turtle conservation projects. She has participated in conferences related to our changing oceans and cryptogamic botany.

Isabelle Bonnefoy
Isabelle is a professional diving instructor and marine biologist. She manages the ecosnorkeling trail on Pinel Island. She loves to share her knowledge about the marine environment and has been working to ensure that the natural habitats in and around the snorkeling trail are both protected and enjoyed.

Je m’occupe du sentier marin de l’îlet Pinel. J’accueille le public et l ‘informe sur la réglementation de la Réserve Naturelle. J’aime aussi partager mes connaissances sur le milieu marin que je pratique depuis que je suis enfant. Après avoir effectué des études en océanologie j’ai voulu rester en contact direct avec le milieu et j’ai passé mon monitorat de plongée. J’ai enseigné la plongée bouteille en Mer Rouge, en France et à St Martin. Je travaille maintenant en surface et en apnée et aime beaucoup transmettre mes connaissances.

Binkie van Es
Bird guide and well-known bird photographer Binkie van Es has lived on St. Maarten for 28 years and has a day job at Kooyman. He discovered birding through photography and got hooked, line and sinker. Binkie has spotted and documented numerous rare birds on St. Maarten and is responsible for the majority of bird photos taken on the island. He also participates in bird research projects like the Caribbean Waterbird Census. He recently began a second career as a professional birding guide on St. Maarten ( and is proud to be a Les Fruits de Mer member.

Guide ornithologue et photographe naturaliste réputé, Binkie van Es vit à Sint Maarten depuis 28 ans et travaille à Kooyman. Il a découvert l’ornithologie à travers la photographie et est littéralement tombé dedans corps et âme. Binkie a repéré et répertorié  de nombreux oiseaux rares à Sint Maarten et est à l’origine de la plupart des photos d’oiseaux prises sur l’île. Il participe également à différentes recherches ornithologues telles que le Rencensement des Oiseaux marins des Caraïbes. Il a récemment débuté une seconde carrière professionnelle en tant que guide ornithologue à Sint Maarten ( et est fier d’être un membre de l’association Les Fruits de Mer.

Béatrice Galdi
Béatrice Galdi vit en outre-mer depuis 3 ans. Titulaire d’un double diplôme d’ingénieur des Eaux et Forêts et d’ingénieur agronome, elle est spécialisée en protection et gestion des milieux naturels. A Saint-Martin et Saint-Barthélemy, elle représente le Conservatoire du littoral, un établissement chargé de protéger les milieux naturels littoraux. Elle travaille sur des projets de restauration écologique et d’aménagements pour l’accueil du public, comme des sentiers de randonnée et des observatoires sur les étangs. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux milieux terrestres, à la botanique et aux paysages. Elle est passionnée par les voyages et la randonnée, en particulier l’ascension de volcans !

Dominique Noiré
Dominique Noiré is a long time diver, instructor and co-owner of Ocean Explorers Dive Center from 1986 till 2002. Active member and speaker for Mon Ecole Ma baleine, an association dedicated to the education and protection of marine mammals in their habitat.

Dominique est une monitrice de plongee, co-proprietaire du Club Ocean Explorers a St Maarten de 1986 a 2002. Intervenante et animatrice a St Martin/St Maarten pour l’association Mon Ecole Ma Baleine, une association sans but lucratif dediee a l’education et la protection des mammiferes marins dans leur habitat naturel.

Olivia Roudon
Professional photographer Olivia Roudon has been behind one lens or another since she was 15 years old. After studying audiovisual arts in Paris, she helped create beautiful films as a camera assistant in the world of French cinema for nearly a decade. Olivia grew up on St. Martin/St. Maarten and has traveled the globe with her camera. Her visual work is informed by her multicultural experience, spirit of adventure, sensitive emotional nuance and love of light. She has been photographing Les Fruits de Mer since before the association was officially created and you can see more of her work at and

Olivia Roudon, photographe professionnelle, est derrière l’objectif depuis l’âge de 15 ans. Après des études d’art audiovisuel à Paris, elle est devenue assistante caméra dans le milieu du cinéma français où elle a contribué à la réalisations de magnifiques films durant une dizaine d’années. Olivia a grandi à Saint-Martin / Sint Maarten et a traversé le globe avec son appareil photo. Son travail artistique est marqué par son expérience multiculturelle, son sans de l’aventure, sa sensibilité aux nuances émotionnelles et son amour de la lumière. Elle photographie Les Fruits de Mer depuis avant la création officielle de l’association. 
Vous pouvez admirer son travail sur et

Amandine Vaslet
Amandine Vaslet is a biologist who has lived for 8 years in the Caribbean. She holds a PhD from the University Antilles-Guyane (FWI) where she has studied coastal marine fauna and their living habitats. She collaborated in several research projects in the fields of marine biology and environmental monitoring in Guadeloupe, Florida and Belize. She has authored several scientific papers and reports on fauna spatial patterns and has a broad interest in tropical wildlife and ecology. She is the translator of the French-edition of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of Saint Martin.

Amandine Vaslet est une biologiste qui vit dans la Caraïbe depuis 8 ans . Elle a réalisé une thèse à l’Université Antilles-Guyane en Guadeloupe pendant laquelle elle a étudié la faune marine côtière et ses habitats. Elle a participé à des projets de recherche en biologie marine en Guadeloupe, en Floride et au Belize. Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs articles scientifiques et rapports sur les distributions spatiales de la faune marine et présente un vif intérêt pour la faune tropicale et l’écologie en général. C’est elle qui a traduit Le Guide Incomplet de la Faune sauvage de Saint-Martin en français.

Stephen Winkel
Stephen Winkel is a multi-platform visual and performance artist specializing in art that promotes environmental and cultural awareness, particularly eco-building and eco-events. Stephen is the architect and builder of the famously eco-friendly “Qabaian” office of filmmaker, photographer, and environmentalist Yann Arthus Bertrand in Paris. He masterminded Events Planning for World Wildlife Federation France for four years, and partnered with many other organizations on the “Chercheurs d’Art et Chercheurs de Science” program to share culture and science in French schools. Stephen is the founder of Compagnie Moustik, which produces public performance art, street theatre, and shows in Saint Martin. He is also an accomplished designer, comedian, sailor, and eco-pirate.

Stephen Winkel est un artiste multi-plateformes dont la spécialité est tournée vers les problématiques environnementales et culturelles, telles que l’éco-construction et l’éco-événementiel en particulier. Stephen est l’architecte et le constructeur du célèbre bureau « eco-friendly » du photographe, scénariste et environnementaliste Yann Arthus Bertrand à Paris : « Qabaian ». Il a dirigé la Planification événementielle pour WWF France pendant quatre ans et a établi des partenariats avec de nombreuses autres organisations comme « Chercheurs d’Art et Chercheurs de Science » qui a pour vacation de partager la culture et la science dans les écoles françaises. Stephen est le fondateur de la compagnie de théâtre de rue Compagnie Moustik,  à Saint Martin. C’est également un designer accompli, un comédien, un marin et un eco-pirate.

Jennifer Yerkes
Jennifer Yerkes is one of the co-founding members of the Les Fruits de Mer team. Jenn has served as the team’s Chief of Expeditions since its inception in 2007, leading missions around the globe. She worked in advertising and PR in New York City for a decade before moving to St. Martin. She is currently leveraging her extensive expertise in writing, branding, and creative direction for the Association’s communications, and to develop a series of educational books for children based on the wildlife of St. Martin. A PADI Rescue Diver and avid snorkeler, she is also deeply interested in local food and folklore.

Jennifer Yerkes est un des membres cofondateure de l’association  Les Fruits de Mer. Jenn remplit le rôle de Chef d’Expédition depuis sa création en 2007, conduisant des missions autour du globe. Elle a travaillé dans le domaine de la publicité et des relations publiques à New York pendant une décennie avant de s’installer à St. Martin. Actuellement, elle met son expertise en écriture, marketing et sa créativité au service de la communications de l’association. Elle travaille également à une série de livres éducatifs pour enfants basés sur la faune et la flore de St. Martin. Plongeuse sauveteur PADI, fervente pratiquante de snorkeling, Jenn est aussi particulièrement intéressée par la gastronomie et le folklore locaux.

Mark Yokoyama
Mark Yokoyama is one of the co-founding members of the Les Fruits de Mer team. Mark is the author of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of Saint Martin and a regular wildlife columnist for The Daily Herald and SXMInfo. He is an accomplished nature photographer whose work has appeared in internationally-renowned publications including The New York Times and The Economist. A former business consultant and former President of the Oregon Entomological Society, Mark now spends his time doing wildlife research and photography, conducting wildlife education, and promoting authentic, sustainable wildlife tourism on the island of St. Martin and beyond.

Mark Yokoyama est un des membres cofondateurs de l’association Les Fruits de mer. Mark est l’auteur du Guide Incomplet de la Faune Sauvage de Saint Martin et un chroniqueur spécialiste de faune et flore régulier pour le quotidien The Daily Herald de Sint Maarten et pour le journal en ligne SXMINFO de Saint-Martin. Il est un photographe naturaliste accompli dont le travail est apparu dans des publications de renommée internationale comme le New York Times ou The Economist. Ancien consultant d’affaires et ancien Président de la Société Entomologiste de l’Oregon, Mark consacre désormais son temps à la recherche, à la photographie, à l’enseignement et l’éveil à la faune et à la flore et à la promotion d’un tourisme vert et durable sur l’île de Saint-Martin et dans la Caraïbe.

SnorkelFest 2014 Partners


ECOSNORKELING manages the underwater snorkeling trail at Pinel Island, offering rental of snorkeling gear and guided snorkeling tours. ECOSNORKELING helps ensure the health of the reef on the snorkeling trail while also providing a fun and enjoyable experience for guests discovering the wonders of the undersea world. They are a partner with the Réserve Naturelle de Saint-Martin and a corporate member of Les Fruits de Mer.îlet-PINEL-ST-MARTIN-FWI/269867806380169

ECOSNORKELING is offering snorkeling during the event.

ECOSNORKELING gère le sentier sous-marin de Pinel, propose de la location d’équipement (palmes, masque, tuba) et des excursions guidées sur le sentier. ECOSNORKELING assure la protection du récif sur le sentier sous-marin et permet aux visiteurs de découvrir la flore et la faune marines. C’est une entreprise partenaire de La Réserve Naturelle de Saint-Martin et membre de l’association Les Fruits de Mer.îlet-PINEL-ST-MARTIN-FWI/269867806380169

ECOSNORKELING offrira la plongée en apnée pendant SnorkelFest


Caribbean Paddling
Located in Cul-de-Sac, Caribbean Paddling is an outdoor company founded in 2009. It offers kayak and paddle board rentals and tours to Pinel Island as well as kayak and paddle board rental and delivery. They are a partner with the Réserve Naturelle de Saint-Martin and a corporate member of Les Fruits de Mer.

Caribbean Paddling will be providing stand-up paddleboards for the guests to try at the event.

Situé à Cul-de-Sac, Caribbean Paddling est une entreprise d’activités de plein air fondée en 2009. Elle propose des locations de kayak et de paddle pour se rendre sur Pinel ainsi que des livraisons et locations de kayaks et paddle sur St-Martin. C’est une entreprise partenaire de La Réserve Naturelle de Saint-Martin et membre de l’association Les Fruits de Mer.

Caribbean Paddling proposera une initiation au paddle lors de l’évènement.

Conservatoire du Littoral
The Coastal Conservancy is a public institution, whose mission is to pursue a policy of conservation of natural coastal environments, while ensuring public access is free and open to all. The organization purchases coastal land to ensure it is permanently protected from development. It operates in all parts of France, including overseas territories.The Conservatoire du Littoral is present in Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy, where it employs one person, and protects about 360 hectares of land, 85 acres of shoreline, 14 ponds and all islets.

The Conservatoire du Littoral will be leading a guided coastal walk and beach clean-up during the event.

Le Conservatoire du littoral est un établissement public de l’Etat, qui a pour mission de mener une politique de sauvegarde des milieux naturels littoraux, tout en garantissant leur accès au public libre et ouvert à tous. Il opère par maîtrise foncière, c’est-à-dire qu’il est propriétaire des espaces qu’il protège, qui sont ainsi définitivement soustraits à l’urbanisation.Il est présent sur les rivages métropolitains mais également ultramarins, grâce à l’action de 7 antennes situées dans les régions outre-mer.Le Conservatoire du littoral est présent à Saint-Martin et Saint-Barthélemy, où il emploie une personne, et protège environ 360 ha de terrains, dont 85 ha de rivages, les 14 étangs et tous les îlets.

Le Conservatoire du Littoral organisera des visites guidées sur les sentiers de Pinel et participera au nettoyage des plages.


Réserve Naturelle de Saint-Martin
The Réserve Naturelle of Saint Martin was established in 1998 and manages a marine park of 30 square kilometers on the northeast of St. Martin, 14 ponds on the island and 11 kilometers of natural coastline. The Réserve protects five major ecosystems: coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds, ponds and dry forests.

The Réserve Naturelle is providing educational materials and assisting in the logistics of the event.

La Réserve naturelle de Saint-Martin est une aire marine protégée de 30km2 située au nord-est de l’île de Saint-Martin. Créé en 1998, cet espace préserve les cinq principaux écosystèmes de l’île : récifs coralliens, mangroves, herbiers de phanérogames, étangs et forêt sèche littorale. La Réserve gère également les 14 étangs du Conservatoire du littoral et ses 11 km de rivages terrestres naturels.

La Réserve Naturelle fournira des supports pédagogiques et aidera à la mise en place de l’évènement.

SnorkelFest 2014 Press

Below you can find links to articles about SnorkelFest online and images of articles in the press.

Over 150 Attendees Explore Undersea Life at SnorkelFest 2014

SnorkelFest 2014. Plus de 150 participants ont profité de l’évènement

Over 150 Attendees Explore Undersea Life at SnorkelFest 2014

Bénévoles recherchés pour SnorkelFest !

Evènement. Célébrez le monde sous-marin ce Samedi à SnorkelFest !…

Celebrate the underwater world this Saturday at SnorkelFest!

Celebrate the underwater world this Saturday at SnorkelFest!

Caribbean Compass, March 2014

St. Martin’s Week, January 2014

The Daily Herald, January 2014

SXM Fax Info, January 2014

The Daily Herald, January 2014

Le Pélican, January 2014

Antilliaans Dagblad, Curaçao, January 2014

St. Martin’s Week, January 2014

The Daily Herald, January 2014

SnorkelFest 2014: Our Sponsors

We are grateful to have the support of a number of local sponsors for SnorkelFest 2014.


Island Water World
Island Water World is a chain of marine stores serving Caribbean sailors and water sports enthusiasts for over forty years. Island Water World is also a corporate member of Les Fruits de Mer.

Island Water World est une chaine de magasins proposant du matériel pour la pratique des activités nautiques en Caraïbe depuis plus de 40 ans. Island Water World est membre de l’association Les Fruits de Mer.


Yacht Club Port de Plaisance
Safely nestled within Dutch Sint Maarten’s picturesque Simpson Bay Lagoon, the 90-plus slip Yacht Club Port de Plaisance is recognized as the Caribbean’s most versatile and elegant mixed-use marina. The Yacht Club is also a corporate member of Les Fruits de Mer.

Situé dans le pittoresque Lagon de Simpson Bay à Sint Maarten, le Yacht Club Port de Plaisance est reconnu comme l’une des marinas les plus polyvalentes et élégantes. Le Yacht Club Port de Plaisance est membre de l’association Les Fruits de Mer.


Yellow Beach
Located on the beach near the ferry dock on Pinel Island, Yellow Beach offers a wide variety of food and drink to enjoy in picturesque palm-thatched huts or while lounging on one of the most beautiful beaches on St. Martin.

Situé sur la plage face au ponton de débarquement à Pinel, Yellow Beach propose des boissons et des plats variés à déguster dans des cases pittoresques ou sur l’une des plus belles plages de Saint-Martin.


Delta Petroleum
Founded in 1985, Delta serves the Caribbean with superior performance diesel, gasoline and LPG meeting U.S. and European standards. Delta is a proud and growing member of the communities from the Virgin Islands to Martinique. Delta Petroleum was a sponsor of Birds & Bugs 2013.


Nestled amongst the palm trees on the beach at Pinel Island, Karibuni has offered fine dining in a relaxed atmosphere for 20 years.

Situé depuis plus de 20 ans entre les palmiers sur la plage de Pinel, Karibuni vous propose de déjeuner dans une ambiance décontractée.


The Summit Resort Hotel
With guests who return frequently to vacation in St Maarten, staff members who have been here for over 35 years, and an environment that highlights the natural beauty of the island, the Summit Hotel offers you St Martin island vacation to escape from the ordinary and enjoy “old world” Caribbean charm.


Caribbean Liquors and Tobacco
Caribbean Liquors and Tobacco is a beverage distributor based in Sint Maarten and an in-kind sponsor of SnorkelFest.


The Scuba Shop
Founded in 1993, The Scuba Shop has two locations: Captain Oliver’s Marina in Oyster Pond and their Simpson Bay store. They are the largest dive store in the Windward and Leeward islands and an in-kind sponsor of SnorkelFest

SnorkelFest Preview Event: Stand Up Paddle Board & Kayak

Stand up paddle boarding and clear bottom kayaking are two more great ways to get out on the water and see what lies beneath the surface. During the SnorkelFest preview event, we tried out both and had a fantastic time. SnorkelFest guest will have a chance to try them for free at the event.

Kayak is also a great way to get to Pinel Island for SnorkelFest. We recommend reserving in advance at Caribbean Paddling, located on the beach in Cul-de-Sac beside the Pinel ferry dock.

SnorkelFest is happening on January 25th from 11am-3pm on Pinel Island. Find out more about SnorkelFest and pre-register for priority access to the activities:

SnorkelFest Preview Event: Coastal Ecosystems

One of the activities at SnorkelFest will be a guided coastal walk to learn more about this unique habitat. During the SnorkelFest preview event, we took a quick tour around part of the terrestrial trail on Pinel and stopped by the beach where we will be doing a small clean-up of debris that has washed ashore there.

SnorkelFest is happening on January 25th from 11am-3pm on Pinel Island. Find out more about SnorkelFest and pre-register for priority access to the activities:

SnorkelFest Preview Event: Marine Life on the Pinel Snorkeling Trail

The snorkeling trail at Pinel Island is home to a wide variety of marine life and several different marine ecosystems. From the sandy areas that are home to gobies, jawfish and the occasional stingray to beds of turtle grass and manatee grass that provide food and shelter to young fish, and areas of soft and hard coral that provide shelter to a variety of reef fish and other animals, there is much to see and learn about. Here are a few photos of some of the different underwater landscapes and fish that we saw during the SnorkelFest preview event.

SnorkelFest is happening on January 25th from 11am-3pm on Pinel Island. Find out more about SnorkelFest and pre-register for priority access to the activities:

Birds & Bugs: In the Press

Online Media

St. Martin Island Time
Caribbean Birding Trail
Anguilla News
Grand Case Beach Club Blog
The St. Martin Forum
X104.3 Your Xtreme Party Station
AVS News
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Print Media

Le Pélican, Saint Martin, December 2013

St. Martin’s Week, Saint Martin, December 2013

The Daily Herald, Sint Maarten, December 2013

SXM Fax Info, Saint Martin, Decembre 2013

Le Pélican, Saint Martin, December 2013

St. Martin’s Week, Saint Martin, November 2013

The Daily Herald, Sint Maarten, November 2013

The Daily Herald, Sint Maarten, November 2013

Birds & Bugs: Getting Ready!

Here are some photos of the preparations for Birds & Bugs 2013.

Les Fruits de Mer members Binkie van Es and Jennifer Yerkes go on a test run to plan the bird tour route:

Team calabash returns from calabash hunting:

Preparing enough calabash fruit to make 225 bird feeders, photos by Alain Duzant:

Final preparation of the calabash:

The bug hotel: critters in their temporary enclosures prior to the event:

Setting up on the morning of the event, photos by Alain Duzant:

Birds & Bugs: Our Sponsors

Birds & Bugs 2013 is only possible by the hard work of many volunteers from Les Fruits de Mer and Environmental Protection in the Caribbean – well over 300 hours of volunteer time before, during and after the event. We have also received generous support from a number of local businesses who support the event. Without their help we wouldn’t be able to afford the supplies to offer cool stuff like art activities for kids. Big up!

Birds & Bugs: About the Hosts

Birds & Bugs 2013 is brought to you by Les Fruits de Mer, Environmental Protection in the Caribbean and Loterie Farm.


About Les Fruits de Mer
Les Fruits de Mer is a non-profit association based in St. Martin whose core mission is to raise awareness about nature, culture, and sport. The organization carries out this mission through publications, an education program, and special public outreach events that entertain, inspire, and inform. The Association is currently accepting new member applications on its website,

A propos de l’association Les Fruits de Mer
Les Fruits de Mer est une association à but non lucratif basée à Saint-Martin, qui a pour principal objet la sensibilisation à la nature, la culture et au sport. L’association poursuit ces objectifs au travers de publications, d’un programme éducatif, et de l’organisation d’évènements publics qui divertissent, inspirent et informent. L’Association peut actuellement accueillir de nouveaux membres ; le formulaire d’inscription est disponible sur son site Web :


About Environmental Protection in the Caribbean
Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) is a non-profit organization registered in St. Maarten and the United States. Founded in 2000 with the mission to protect the Caribbean environment through research and community-based action, EPIC has conducted long-term studies on the birds of the island while working to raise awareness of bird conservation issues. EPIC biologists have partnered with Loterie Farm for over a decade to study the health and diversity of birds in this rare habitat.

A propos de Environmental Protection in the Caribbean
EPIC a été crée en 2000 et a pour but la protection de l’environnement en Caraïbe au travers de recherches et d’animations locales. EPIC mène des suivis annuels sur les oiseaux et sensibilise à la conservation des habitats et la protection des oiseaux. Depuis 10 ans, les biologistes d’EPIC étudient, en partenariat avec la Loterie Farm, la diversité et l’état de santé des populations d’oiseaux dans cette forêt.


About Loterie Farm
Loterie Farm is a private nature reserve on the western slope of Pic Paradis. The 54-hectare property includes broadleaf forest as well as the remains of historical buildings dating back to the 18th century. Loterie Farm aims to safeguard both the history and the environment while also sharing these unique natural surroundings with the public. One of the most ecologically significant sites on St. Martin, Loterie Farm has hosted a great deal of biological research, including ongoing studies of birds and other animals. Loterie Farm offers hiking and zip-lining as well as a gourmet restaurant, lounge, and spring-fed swimming pool.

A propos de Loterie Farm
La Loterie Farm est une zone naturelle privée. La propriété de 54 hectares comprend une forêt de semi-décidus ainsi que des vestiges de constructions datant du 18ème siècle. La Loterie Farm partage ce site avec le public tout en protégeant les vestiges historiques et le patrimoine naturel. La Loterie Farm a hébergé de nombreuses recherches scientifiques, dont des études sur les oiseaux et d’autres animaux. Ce site dispose de sentiers de randonnée, de parcours accrobranches, ainsi que d’un restaurant gastronomique, d’un lounge et d’une piscine recevant l’eau d’un ruisseau.

Posters & Flyers for Birds & Bugs 2013

Help us spread the word about the upcoming Birds & Bugs Wildlife Discovery Event! The event is Saturday, December 7th from 9am-noon at Loterie Farm and it’s free and open to the public. Please invite your friends, family and colleagues!

You can share these links to the event online: (ENGLISH) (FRANÇAIS) (ENGLISH/FRANÇAIS)

You can also invite your friends to join from the Facebook event page.

We also have posters and small flyers you can print to post or give out to friends:
Poster, Français, A4
Handout, Français
Poster, English, Letter size
Handout, English
Poster, Español, Letter size
Handout, Español

Thank you for helping spread the word about this event!

Here are some jpgs of the posters if you want to email them:



Birds & Bugs: Meet the Team / Rencontrez l’équipe

Adam-BrownAdam Brown
Adam Brown is a Senior Biologist for EPIC. He has led the organizations bird research on St. Martin since 2001. Adam’s songbird monitoring research on the flanks of Pic Paradis has led to the peer-reviewed publication of seven papers and three master’s degrees. Additionally, Adam has documented four bird species on Pic Paradis that had not previously been recorded on St. Martin. Adam’s research on Pic Paradis, led to the peak being designated as an Important Bird Area (IBA), a designation defining the site as globally or regionally vital to bird populations. In addition to Adam’s research on Pic Paradis, he has monitored wetland bird and seabird populations on St. Martin since 2001, publishing a further seven peer reviewed papers and 13 technical reports on those bird populations. Outside of St. Martin, Adam co-leads the conservation effort for the endangered Black-capped Petrel on the island of Hispaniola.

Adam will be leading birding tours of the forest and sharing his extensive knowledge of the resident and migratory birds that live there.

Adam Brown est biologiste principal pour EPIC. Il conduit les recherches sur les oiseaux à Saint-Martin depuis 2001. Le suivi des oiseaux chanteurs sur les flancs du Pic Paradis par Adam a conduit à la publication de sept articles et à l’obtention de trois Masters. De plus, Adam a recensé quatre espèces d’oiseaux sur le Pic Paradis qui n’avaient pas encore été enregistrées à Saint-Martin. Les recherches d’Adam sur le Pic Paradis ont conduit à ce que le sommet soit désigné comme une zone importante pour les oiseaux (IBA), une désignation qui pose le site comme vital pour les populations d’oiseaux tant à l’échelle régionale que mondiale. En plus de ses recherches sur le Pic Paradis, Adam suit les oiseaux des milieux humides et les oiseaux de mer sur Saint-Martin depuis 2001, donnant lieu à la publication de sept autres articles et treize rapports techniques sur ces populations d’oiseaux. En dehors de Saint-Martin, Adam co-dirige les actions de préservation du Pétrel Diablotin sur l’île d’Hispaniola.

Adam conduira des visites guidées dans la forêt et partagera son excellente connaissance des oiseaux résidents et migrateurs qui y vivent.

Jacqueline-CesteroJacqueline A. Cestero
“Jackie” Cestero is an avid photographer and bird watcher.  She first came to Anguilla in 1984 and has lived there full-time since 1998. Jackie was a volunteer for The Anguilla National Trust Monthly Bird Monitoring Programme from 2007 to 2012.  She served as Project Manager for the Dog Island Restoration Project from 2011 to 2012. In 2009 she published From Bananaquits to Boobies:  A Photographic Gallery of the Wild Birds of Anguilla, a 160 page full color photography book featuring many of Anguilla’s bird species.  As the creator and editor of The Salty Wing, she crafts a quarterly publication that highlights Anguilla’s wetlands and wildlife. She is the Owner/Operator of Nature Explorers Anguilla (

Jacqueline will be traveling from Anguilla to help with our guided birding tours.

« Jackie » Cestero est photographe et ornithologue. Elle s’est installée à Anguilla en 1984 où elle a vécu jusqu’en 1998. Jackie était bénévole pour Anguilla National Trust Monthly Bird Monitoring Programme de 2007 à 2012. Elle a été responsable du projet de restauration de Dog Island de 2011 à 2012. En 2009 elle publie Des Sucriers aux Fous : Une galerie de photos des oiseaux sauvages d’Anguilla, un ouvrage de 160p de photos en couleur illustrant la plupart des espèces d’oiseaux d’Anguilla. Elle rédige et édite un trimestriel Salty Wings présentant la faune et les habitats d’Anguilla. Elle est la directrice de Nature Explorer Anguilla (

Jacqueline viendra d’Anguilla pour animer les visites guidées sur les oiseaux.

Natalia-CollierNatalia Collier
Natalia Collier is President of Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) St. Maarten and Executive Director of EPIC in the U.S. She has been involved with bird research on St. Martin/Maarten for over a decade, has conducted surveys of seabirds throughout the region, and managed projects in nearly all the islands of the Lesser Antilles. She is the co-author of numerous scientific articles as well as the book The Seabird Breeding Atlas of the Lesser Antilles. She is most passionate about seabirds, clean water, and mangrove conservation.

Natalia will be hosting the EPIC Bird Discovery Station where guests can learn about the birds living in the forest, hear their songs and much more!

Natalia Collier est la Présidente de l’EPIC (Protection de l’environnement dans les Caraibes) Sint Maarten et Directrice Générale de l’EPIC aux Etats Unis. Impliqué dans la recherche sur les oiseaux à Saint-Martin / Sint Maarten depuis plus d’une dizaine d’années, elle a conduit des études sur les oiseaux marins dans la région, et a dirigé des projets dans presque toutes les îles des Petites Antilles. Elle a co-rédigé de nombreux articles scientifiques ainsi que l’Atlas des Petites Antilles de la reproduction des oiseaux de mer. Elle est surtout passionnée par les oiseaux marins, la préservation de l’eau et de la mangrove.

Natalia animera la station de découverte des oiseaux EPIC où les participants pourront obtenir des informations quant aux oiseaux vivant dans la forêt, écouter leurs chants et bien plus encore !

binkie-van-esBinkie van Es
Bird guide and well-known bird photographer Binkie van Es has lived on St. Maarten for 28 years and has a day job at Kooyman. He discovered birding through photography and got hooked, line and sinker. Binkie has spotted and documented numerous rare birds on St. Maarten and is responsible for the majority of bird photos taken on the island. He also participates in bird research projects like the Caribbean Waterbird Census. He recently began a second career as a professional birding guide on St. Maarten ( and is proud to be a Les Fruits de Mer member.

Guide ornithologue et photographe naturaliste réputé, Binkie van Es vit à Sint Maarten depuis 28 ans et travaille à Kooyman. Il a découvert l’ornithologie à travers la photographie et est littéralement tombé dedans corps et âme. Binkie a repéré et répertorié de nombreux oiseaux rares à Sint Maarten et est à l’origine de la plupart des photos d’oiseaux prises sur l’île. Il participe également à différentes recherches ornithologues telles que le Rencensement des Oiseaux marins des Caraïbes. Il a récemment débuté une seconde carrière professionnelle en tant que guide ornithologue à Sint Maarten ( et est fier d’être un membre de l’association Les Fruits de Mer.

Stephan-t-HoenStefan ‘t Hoen
Stefan ‘t Hoen is a lawyer and a part-time videographer. On the channel Scenic St. Maarten you can see the natural & cultural beauty of Sint Maarten.YouTube channel:

Stefan will be filming the event.

Stefan ‘t Hoen est un avocat et un vidéaste à mi-temps. Sur la chaine Scenic St Maarten vous pouvez découvrir le patrimoine naturel et culturel de l’ile. YouTube :

Stefan filmera l’évènement.

Ronald-PietersRonald Pieters
Ronald Pieters is a fanatic birder on St. Maarten/St. Martin and since his arrival has performed bird walks and has observed several rare species that have visited our island. Despite his crazy weeks of being a business consultant and father he still manages to find time in the weekends to go birding.

Ronald will be a guide for bird walks in the morning at the event.

Ronald Pieters est un ornithologue passionné depuis son arrivée sur l’ile et a organisé des randonnées d’observation des oiseaux. Ronald a pu observer plusieurs espèces rares qui migrent à St Martin. Bien qu’il soit très occupé pendant la semaine entre son activité de consultant et de père, il trouve toujours le temps le week-end pour contempler les oiseaux.

Ronald guidera les randonnées à la découverte des oiseaux.

olivia-roudonOlivia Roudon
Professional photographer Olivia Roudon has been behind one lens or another since she was 15 years old. After studying audiovisual arts in Paris, she helped create beautiful films as a camera assistant in the world of French cinema for nearly a decade. Olivia grew up on St. Martin/St. Maarten and has traveled the globe with her camera. Her visual work is informed by her multicultural experience, spirit of adventure, sensitive emotional nuance and love of light. She has been photographing Les Fruits de Mer since before the association was officially created and you can see more of her work at and

Olivia will be photographing the event, so smile when you see her!

Olivia Roudon, photographe professionnelle, est derrière l’objectif depuis l’âge de 15 ans. Après des études d’art audiovisuel à Paris, elle est devenue assistante caméra dans le milieu du cinéma français où elle a contribué à la réalisations de magnifiques films durant une dizaine d’années. Olivia a grandi à Saint-Martin / Sint Maarten et a traversé le globe avec son appareil photo. Son travail artistique est marqué par son expérience multiculturelle, son sans de l’aventure, sa sensibilité aux nuances émotionnelles et son amour de la lumière. Elle photographie Les Fruits de Mer depuis avant la création officielle de l’association. 
Vous pouvez admirer son travail sur et

Olivia couvrira l’évènement, alors si vous la croisez … Souriez !

DCIM100GOPROAmandine Vaslet
Amandine Vaslet is a biologist who has lived for 8 years in the Caribbean. She holds a PhD from the University Antilles-Guyane (FWI) where she has studied coastal marine fauna and their living habitats. She collaborated in several research projects in the fields of marine biology and environmental monitoring in Guadeloupe, Florida and Belize. She has authored several scientific papers and reports on fauna spatial patterns and has a broad interest in tropical wildlife and ecology. She is the translator of the French-edition of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of Saint Martin.

Amandine will be assisting with the birding tours and providing French-translation at the event.

Amandine Vaslet est une biologiste qui vit dans la Caraïbe depuis 8 ans . Elle a réalisé une thèse à l’Université Antilles-Guyane en Guadeloupe pendant laquelle elle a étudié la faune marine côtière et ses habitats. Elle a participé à des projets de recherche en biologie marine en Guadeloupe, en Floride et au Belize. Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs articles scientifiques et rapports sur les distributions spatiales de la faune marine et présente un vif intérêt pour la faune tropicale et l’écologie en général. C’est elle qui a traduit Le Guide Incomplet de la Faune sauvage de Saint-Martin en français.

Amandine aidera aux visites guidées et assurera la traduction en Français.

Stephen-WinkelStephen Winkel
Stephen Winkel is a multi-platform visual and performance artist specializing in art that promotes environmental and cultural awareness, particularly eco-building and eco-events. Stephen is the architect and builder of the famously eco-friendly “Qabaian” office of filmmaker, photographer, and environmentalist Yann Arthus Bertrand in Paris. He masterminded Events Planning for World Wildlife Federation France for four years, and partnered with many other organizations on the “Chercheurs d’Art et Chercheurs de Science” program to share culture and science in French schools. Stephen is the founder of Compagnie Moustik, which produces public performance art, street theatre, and shows in Saint Martin. He is also an accomplished designer, comedian, sailor, and eco-pirate.

Stephen will be orchestrating the art activities for children at the event.

Stephen Winkel est un artiste multi-plateformes dont la spécialité est tournée vers les problématiques environnementales et culturelles, telles que l’éco-construction et l’éco-événementiel en particulier. Stephen est l’architecte et le constructeur du célèbre bureau « eco-friendly » du photographe, scénariste et environnementaliste Yann Arthus Bertrand à Paris : « Qabaian ». Il a dirigé la Planification événementielle pour WWF France pendant quatre ans et a établi des partenariats avec de nombreuses autres organisations comme « Chercheurs d’Art et Chercheurs de Science » qui a pour vacation de partager la culture et la science dans les écoles françaises. Stephen est le fondateur de la compagnie de théâtre de rue Compagnie Moustik,  à Saint Martin. C’est également un designer accompli, un comédien, un marin et un eco-pirate.

Stephen coordonnera les activités artistiques des enfants.

Jennifer-YerkesJennifer Yerkes
Jennifer Yerkes is one of the co-founding members of the Les Fruits de Mer team. Jenn has served as the team’s Chief of Expeditions since its inception in 2007, leading missions around the globe. She worked in advertising and PR in New York City for a decade before moving to St. Martin. She is currently leveraging her extensive expertise in writing, branding, and creative direction for the Association’s communications, and to develop a series of educational books for children based on the wildlife of St. Martin. A PADI Rescue Diver and avid snorkeler, she is also deeply interested in local food and folklore.

Jennifer will be the on-site coordinator for the event.

Jennifer Yerkes est un des membres cofondateure de l’association  Les Fruits de Mer. Jenn remplit le rôle de Chef d’Expédition depuis sa création en 2007, conduisant des missions autour du globe. Elle a travaillé dans le domaine de la publicité et des relations publiques à New York pendant une décennie avant de s’installer à St. Martin. Actuellement, elle met son expertise en écriture, marketing et sa créativité au service de la communications de l’association. Elle travaille également à une série de livres éducatifs pour enfants basés sur la faune et la flore de St. Martin. Plongeuse sauveteur PADI, fervente pratiquante de snorkeling, Jenn est aussi particulièrement intéressée par la gastronomie et le folklore locaux.

Jennifer sera la coordinatrice de l’évènement sur site.

mark-yokoyamaMark Yokoyama
Mark Yokoyama is one of the co-founding members of the Les Fruits de Mer team. Mark is the author of The Incomplete Guide to the Wildlife of Saint Martin and a regular wildlife columnist for The Daily Herald and SXMInfo. He is an accomplished nature photographer whose work has appeared in internationally-renowned publications including The New York Times and The Economist. A former business consultant and former President of the Oregon Entomological Society, Mark now spends his time doing wildlife research and photography, conducting wildlife education, and promoting authentic, sustainable wildlife tourism on the island of St. Martin and beyond.

Mark will be hosting the Bug Discovery Station at the event, sharing his knowledge of insects, spiders and other invertebrates of St. Martin.

Mark Yokoyama est un des membres cofondateurs de l’association Les Fruits de mer. Mark est l’auteur du Guide Incomplet de la Faune Sauvage de Saint Martin et un chroniqueur spécialiste de faune et flore régulier pour le quotidien The Daily Herald de Sint Maarten et pour le journal en ligne SXMINFO de Saint-Martin. Il est un photographe naturaliste accompli dont le travail est apparu dans des publications de renommée internationale comme le New York Times ou The Economist. Ancien consultant d’affaires et ancien Président de la Société Entomologiste de l’Oregon, Mark consacre désormais son temps à la recherche, à la photographie, à l’enseignement et l’éveil à la faune et à la flore et à la promotion d’un tourisme vert et durable sur l’île de Saint-Martin et dans la Caraïbe.

Mark animera la station de découverte des insectes où il partagera ses connaissances des insectes, des araignées et autres invertébrés de Saint-Martin.

Mask Decorating

Here’s part two of the mask workshop: decorating the masks. The idea was to do insect and spider masks, so we brought some images of insects and spiders and hung them up for inspiration. The first group was so impressed by the photo of the red mountain spider (Alcimosphenus licinus), almost all the masks ended up being red and black. It is a very cool looking spider!

Mask Making

Our other workshop with the students on Tuesday was mask-making using quick-dry plaster bandages. We were a little surprised that none of the kids had done it before. It’s a great activity because it requires teamwork and trust in the partner who is putting plaster on your face. Also, masks are great for Halloween and Carnaval. These photos are also courtesy of Olivia Roudon.

Macro Photography Workshop

Here are some photos of the macro photography workshop we did with 11-year-old students from Quartier d’Orleans. We did a short hike through the broadleaf forest at Loterie Farm and collected a few insects to bring back to our mini-studio for pictures. It was part of a week-long program during the fall break for students who don’t usually get the chance to travel or do some of these things. Big thanks to Anne Coulon for organizing the program, Foyer Socio-educatif du Collège de Quartier d’Orléans for funding the program, Loterie Farm for donating use of the space for workshops and donors who gave us their old cameras to use with the kids. The fantastic photos are by Olivia Roudon.